Hemeo and VarmX enter research collaboration using AI to support clinical studies in coagulation

Over the past few months we have been contacted by several pharma and medtech companies interested to understand how our coagulation model could help them advance or accelerate their own research and development. We are happy to announce our first agreement and we look forward to strengthen that opportunity in the future.

Hemeo has entered into a collaborative research agreement with VarmX, a clinicalstage biotech company focusing on development of innovative approaches for the reversal of anticoagulation.

Hemeo will process preclinical pharmacodynamic data on VarmX’s anticoagulant reversal agent, VMXC001, to extend its computational coagulation model. This will enable accurate simulation of the restoration of blood clotting by VMXC001 in the presence of factor Xa direct oral anticoagulants (FXa DOACs). The resulting model will be capable of estimating the therapeutic window of  VMXC001 to support dose selection for future clinical studies. 

Following a series of meetings with the VarmX team where we introduced our coagulation model and its potential to support and accelerate research for medical devices and drugs, we are delighted with the interest and commitment we received and look forward to offer VarmX the data processing and modelling capabilities they are looking for” says Remi Corlin, CEO at Hemeo.

Gerard Short, CMO at VarmX added In December 2021, VarmX initiated its firstinhuman study for lead compound, VMXC001. It is our intention to achieve universal dosing of VMXC001 for reversal of all DOACs, making selecting the right dose very important. Therefore, we are very pleased to be working with Hemeo, using their model to support dose selection for VMXC001.”

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